Rückl Metamorphosis vase 20 cm cigar
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Rückl Metamorphosis vase 20 cm cigar


Made by: Rückl | designed by Rony Plesl
Material: Hand-cut lead-free crystal
Height: 20 cm
Minimum order: 1

Instructions: Hand wash only

Metamorphosis as a transformation of one form into another. Metamorphosis as a recrystallization of quartz. Metamorphosis that discovers an identity within an absurd Kafka manuscript.

The design of the complex pattern of the Metamorphosis collection was inspired by a variety of repetitive structures found in both nature and architecture. The regularly set scales on snake-skin, the perfect shape of the Bravais lattice, as well as the fascinating arches of Medieval Gothic. Rony Plesl imprinted these fascinating elements of geometry into the design of the Metamorphosis collection.

Available colours: amber | clear | pink | cigar.


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